this is READ, LEARN, and GROW
READ: reading published poems, freshly written poems, rough drafts, final copies
LEARN: learning right along with students as they work to improve their poetry craft
GROW: growing a bit more muscle as a facilitator of learning rather than an all-knowing lecturer
We've been busy bees this week. The kids and I have been helping/participating in a poetry camp of sorts each day from 9-12. I can't really show photos (haven't taken any) given that I don't have that kind of permission from any of the parents. The format is set up as a hybrid Vacation Bible School/Elementary school model. One of the wonderful professors from Indiana Wesleyan University shares poetry selections and background on the poets. He actively engages the students by having them clap, wiggle, shake, etc. Each day begins with a reading of Shel Silverstein's
if you are a dreamer, come in,
if you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
a hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
for we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
come in!
come in!
I could listen to Dr. McCracken read aloud and recite poetry every day for the rest of my life and not grow weary of it.
We are learning how to read poetry without the nya-nya's (the forbidden sing-songy rhythms that can take over rhyming poems)
We are learning (and i am facilitating) ways to write free verse, non-rhyming, haiku, shape poems, and many things in-between.
All grade-level groups have written and collaborated on a class poem to be performed at Friday's poetry jam. We have a special guest poet who will jam with us.
Wow, how boring is this? a photo-less blog post. yikes!
My motivation for volunteering to facilitate at Summer's Cool is two-fold: I want to do all I can to encourage and empower children to love reading and writing by giving them the tools necessary to be successful in both, and I wanted to get on the inside of this week-long learning-fest to see if it is something that could be done here in fairmount, possibly at my church.
I ask that all 12 of my blog lurkers will join with me in prayer on 2 points
1. the children who attended summer's cool 2010 will continue to grow in their knowledge and love of learning, reading, and writing
2. wisdom, ability, and resources to implement something like summer's cool in fairmount (for 2011)
thanks :)